At the time of the annual meetings of the IMF and World Bank in Istanbul, Turkey in 2009; the International Political Economy graduate programme at Istanbul Bilgi University organized an alternative conference to discuss issues of global concern from critical points of view. This book is a compilation of the papers delivered at that conference.


Introduction: Conference Openning Remarks
Susan George

PART ONE The Current Crısıs and Neo-Lıberal Polıcıes

1 The Nature of the Downturn/Depression
Hillel Ticktin

2 Capitalist Crisis or the Crisis of Capitalism?
Sungur Savran

3 Trade Theory and Neoliberal Policy
Anwar Shaikh

PART TWO The Roles the IMF and the World Bank

4 The Evolution of an International Financial Organisation: The Work Bank, 1944-....
Oktar Türel

5 Financial Crisis, Lessons Learned?
Gerhard Schick

PART THREE Ecologıcal and Women’s Perspectıves

6 On the Reform of IMF and Green Financial Architecture
Ahmet Atıl Aşıcı

7 World Bank and Climate Finance: Could the IMF and the World Bank be the Life Buoy?
Barbara Unmüßig

8 Downloading Risk and Costs: A Feminist Perspective on the Global Multiple Crisis
Christa Wichterich

9 The Crisis of Care: Another Limit to Sustainable Growth in Market Economies
İpek İlkkaracan Ajas
