The Post-Modern Abyss and the New Politics of Islam: Essays in Honor of Şerif Mardin
Islam speaks of two languages today in Turkey: a “language of dispossesed” and a “language of (a)possessing”. Şerif Mardin, as a prominent sociologist with his work “Center-Periphery Relations: A Key to Turkish Politics?” well anticipated and clarified this new Islamic politics. Birtek and Toprak aim to celebrate several aspects of Mardin’s work with articles that advert this new Islamic era through a view of history and policy.
1 The Conflictual Agendas of Neo-liberal Reconstruction and the Rise of Islamic Politics in Turkey: The Hazards of Rewriting Modernity
Faruk Birtek and Binnaz Toprak
2 Durkheim, Labriola, Tilly, Mardin: A Search for a New Political Anthropology
Faruk Birtek
3 Antinomies of the Mediterranean in Modern Theory
Georg Stauth
4 Clientelism and Patronage in Turkish Politics and Society
Sabri Sayarı
5 The West Within and the West Without: The “Elite Lore” of the Late Ottoman Elite
Selim Deringil
6 Maps in our Mind: Chinese Coins, the Asian Muslim Network, the Japanese and the Transnational
Selçuk Esenbel
7 Recasting Contemporaneity - A Hypothesis in Rereading the New Politics of Localism: The New Assabiyah of the Town - Thomas Hardy Revisited
Faruk Birtek
8 Şerif Mardin and the Turkish “Reception”
Michael E. Meeker