
Cultural Policy and Management (KPY) Yearbook 2010
ISBN / SKU: 978-605-399-167-0
Kasım 2010 |
220 sayfa |
19x24 cm
%25 İndirim
₺ 27,78 ₺ 20,84
The second issue of KPY Yearbook underlines that the prerequisite of creating a comprehensive discussion on cultural policies in Turkey and developing new perspectives is conducting research within this field, evaluating the knowledge and documents and combining these. The first dossier in this issue which includes two special dossiers, is “Cultural Diversity” that is based on the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions. The subject of the second dossier is “Cities and Cultural Policy Revisited” with the impact of the increasing interest on urban studies at a global scale and the current situation in Turkey.